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Samuel Beckett, an Irish poet, novelist, and one of the most well-known absurd literature writers of all time. Born on the 13th of April 1906 and passing away on December 22nd, 1989, Beckett left an everlasting impression on the world with his unique and extremely absurd views of mankind and life as a whole. He suggests, human existence is purposeless and irrational, while delving into the dark side of human instincts, confronting feelings like despair and alienation. Samuel Beckett’s rhetorical strategies serve as an inherent way to portray the absurdity of existence, different ways of communicating, and the continuous search for meaning in a world with endless possibilities. Beckett viewed the world like an open book, understanding the positive side of things but not overlooking the negative downsides. Comparably, gun violence in the United States is at an all-time high. Statistics show 48,830 deaths in 2021 by gun violence (Bloomberg School of Public Health). Across the United States citizens are dying from suicides, viscous attacks, and accidental shootings every day.

Samuel Beckett would have viewed gun violence as a social epidemic due to his beliefs in humankind being mad, mean, and self-destructive. The leading cause of death by gun is by one’s own hand. Statistics show 26,328 reported deaths in 2021, making up half of the gun deaths in America were by suicide (Bloomberg School of Public Health). When someone is contemplating suicide, they are looking for the fastest, most painless solution without a plan for what will happen after they are gone. “No, I regret nothing, all I regret is having been born, dying is such a long tiresome business I always found” (A Quote by Samuel Becket). Although there is not much online from Samuel Beckett on the topic of suicide, he made very absurd statements for his time in reference to the topic. His work had a frequent reference to the theme of despair and hopelessness. “Dance first. Think later. It’s the natural order” (A Quote by Samuel Becket). Beckett believed that people were always searching for meaning and purpose in life.

Furthermore, the homicide rates from gun violence in America is astronomical. Samuel Beckett viewed the human race as unnecessary and unneeded. If he were alive today, he would most likely view this homicide by firearm as just another example of humankind’s senseless inability to escape its own personal destruction. He would not necessarily touch on gun control, more about the sanity of humanity as a whole. In 2023, statics show there were 26,031 reported homicides in the United States and 20,985 of those were firearm homicides (Center for Disease Control and Prevention).

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